Monday, September 7, 2009

An Introduction

I have learned my lesson about posting personal issues (certainly having to do with the church) on the internet. Take one nosy roommate at BYU snooping around my room and internet history and add to it one tiny slip-up (a nickname, or a little tidbit of information that you never thought would come back to bite you in the ass) and you have a problem... a big problem. At least for me, it was the reason I had to leave BYU some years ago.

I have returned to continue educating myself about the cult that is Mormonism. I have returned to connect with others who are picking the pieces of themselves back up and recovering from this terrible thing. I hope also to have a place where I can share my thoughts, even if just for myself and having a place to get my feelings out.

As I mentioned above, I do not think there is such a thing as too much anonymity when talking about something as "touchy" as the Mormon cult. I still have two very devout parents in the church as well as some extended family, and until I am ready to face them as the person I truly am, I will keep personal information to a minimum. What I want to focus on are my thoughts, feelings, and experiences around Mormonism as I continue my recovery and become more educated about the cult that has had a serious impact on my life.

I want to share, listen, learn... grow stronger in the person I have become. I want to continue my search for truth... and hopefully have some impact on the Mormon church, even if that means influencing just one person to ask one question that might possibly lead them to this one conclusion: THE CHURCH IS NOT TRUE.

Kit Curious

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